Forced frugality can get frustrating. Job loss, reduced income, rising expenses can force some of us into a tight spot. Being frugal because we HAVE to can be frustrating after a time. Being frugal because we choose to, isn’t quite as frustrating. How can you alleviate some of that stress?
Play a mind game: reflect on your circumstances. There’s every chance you COULD choose not to be frugal in some areas. Of course that shorts other areas and could lead to disaster quick. If you blow a large sum on entertainment, the house payment might not be paid. So, find those areas you can control. Food, entertainment, travel, heat and electricity. (you’ll have to look at your own budget to see what you can tweak) Make choices about where to cut. We found we could save money by reducing our land line phone to just minimal service. No long distance, no caller ID. Tax refund coming? Figure out how it can best be used to reduce monthly expenses and give you breathing room.
Being proactive in choosing where to cut costs gives a feeling of power, a sense of control… much less frustrating than feeling forced.
I heard a quote once and can’t remember the author but it goes “I’ve never heard of any calamity in life that whining wouldn’t make it worse”.
Chin up! Put on a smile… we’ve got what it takes to make a difference!