Frugal Retirement Living - Have You Considered a Park Model Mobile Home?

Park model mobile homes a great way to enjoy frugal retirement living.

Frugal retirement living is becoming more and more necessary due to the economic mess we find ourselves in today. When life deals you lemons make lemonade.

Park model mobile homes conjure up visions of trailer park living and a low class lifestyle. Sure it is cheap, quality used units cost $15,000 and up, new units start at $30,000…but would you enjoy it.

For example in Mesa Arizona there are many of these communities to choose from. Some have around a hundred units and some are communities of over 2,000 units complete with their own golf course.

The range of activities available are mind boggling…if you can’t find a group or club for your interest, you are not looking very hard. If you imagine the activity you can find like minded souls with whom you can enjoy your particular passion.

Want to make improvements to your unit and are a little handy? Most parks have fully equipped woodshops that are available for making whatever you can dream up…and helpful club members who have seen it all and are willing to help the newbie’s to this style of frugal retirement living.

The term park model mobile homes is somewhat misleading as these units are most normally mobile only once in their lives…factory to park model community. For sure you have been behind one in transit when you are in a hurry…it never fails.

So if the recession has got you down and thinking you can’t retire now…think again park model mobile homes offer a fun and cheap way for frugal retirement living. See you can make lemonade from lemons.

Gary Pierce is the webmaster of he retired early at 49, he is still retired at 63. He has experience in lifestyles that are both fulfilling and frugal. For more on park models. It is 2009 and many are wondering if they can ever retire. Don’t give up until you check out this website. Enjoy.

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