Halloween Costume Ideas for Toddlers
Dressing up your toddler for Halloween is a lot of fun. Enjoy it while you can. Before you know it your sweet little toddler will be in kindergarten or first grade and will have developed a much stronger opinion on his or her costume choices and you’ll no longer be able to dress him in […]
Ear Wax Wieners on Cotton Swabs
8 tb Butter or margarine - melted 24 Cocktail franks 1/2 c Mustard 1/2 c Mayonnaise Toothpicks Cotton balls Recipe by: Creepy Cuisine, Lucy Munroe Melt the butter or margarine in a small pan over low heat, being careful not to burn it. Place the franks on a broiling pan and carefully brush them with […]
Halloween Craft Projects For Children
Posted in: Halloween Articles Tags: egg carton spider craft, Halloween crafts, kids crafts, plastic bag ghost craft
Fall means more inside time for the little ones. Naturally, they’re going to need something fun and creative to keep them busy. Help your kids prepare for Halloween by constructing these adorable craft projects! They’re easy and fun to make and the kiddos will love displaying them for the holiday. Egg Carton Spiders What you […]
Quick, Homemade Halloween Costume Ideas
You can find a large variety of Halloween costumes available at stores in your neighborhood. However, when you consider the cost and lack of originality, homemade costumes are a more fun and oftentimes more cost-effective option. Plus, if you involve your children in creating the homemade costumes, the results will be worth more than any […]
Easy Costumes Kids Can Make
Kids love making things with their own hands, including costumes. The two costumes that follow, a flower and a bumblebee, are so easy to make and just perfect for children to help create. To make a bumblebee you will need … • 1 Yellow Garbage Bag • Black Electrical Tape • A Hair Band • […]