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Say hi to our new homestead blogger!

Posted by: Tammy

Debi is joining our blogging team! Debi was living in Texas and living a homesteading lifestyle there but she and her husband have made a BIG move to Nebraska now! They found a 22 acre, fixer-upper farm that is their dream! Now they’re really going all out to repair and update the little farmhouse a bit and make something out of almost nothing!

I have to tell you how much of a resource Debi is to me! She has walked me through water-bath canning and knitting conundrums over the phone! Talk about patient! She has been a member of the frugal-families forums for years and can stretch a dollar as well as as chili! Sorry, canning joke there. She’s always on my case to learn how to pressure can (I promise, I’m learning this summer when I visit my dear friend in TN and she’s going to teach me in person).

Debi loves teaching herself knew homesteading skills like yarn spinning and leather working. She’s got visions of goats, a milk cow and beef Herefords on their new homestead. She’s excited to get new chickens and having a huge garden. Actually, she was thrilled when I shared my 80 plus year old heirloom rhubarb stock with her. She couldn’t raise rhubarb in Texas and can now make her husband rhubarb pie from her own supply!

Debi has been sharing her new homesteading journey with the forum members and now I want her to share it with everyone. So please welcome our newest bloggers, Debi!


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