Our snowed in garden

Posted by: Tammy

I miss my garden. As I’ve looked through my photos, I have almost forgotten what my homestead looks like without snow.

Here is my garden now:

My world is white, like a blank canvas and we’re all waiting for God to begin His spring painting.

My five foot high vertical fences are almost gone from sight now:

The only thing climbing my bean trellis is the snow:

I will remind you of my spring columbine:

And, as silly as this sounds, I can’t wait to see a bright red radish and crisp, green spring spinach. The reds and greens of spring instead of winter:


2 Responses to “Our snowed in garden”

  1. Pam Says:

    Oh Tammy, how I can relate! Looking at seed catalogs just makes me that much more impatient. Maybe we can go prune fruit trees or something.

  2. Tammy Says:

    Pam, I spend so many evening hours drooling over the seed catalogs. I don’t have any fruit trees yet. I’ve focused on raspberries for the past two years with a desire to grow ground cherries this year. We took a serious amount of damage to the front bushes this year due to snow/ice and snow removal off the roof. I might go with blueberry bushes if I need to replace things (edible landscaping).

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