God’s Winter Artwork

Posted by: Tammy

It’s been a long winter here in Connecticut. We’ve been in a very bad pattern which has brought storm after storm, week after week to us. We had record snowfall for January and we could easily surpass the all time snowfall record of 115″ that was set during the 95/96 winter season. I remember that winter. Some of our biggest snowfalls were in March and April that season and the snow melted quickly. This year’s snow has fallen in January when it doesn’t melt so we’re easily up to four feet on the ground.

We’re experiencing our first ice dams ever and we have water melting and coming into the house through the window frames and soaking through drywall, too. We’re physically worn out and beat up from snow removal demands. We just had to pay to have a crew remove the approximately 10-12 TONS of snow from our roof to prevent more damage. Honestly, I’ve had it with winter.

But, one cold morning, I was blessed to discover beautiful frost on our storm door window. Fern-like and free-form, it reminded me of the fiddle heads that curve and open gracefully each spring. God reminded me that spring will always come and you can find beauty in the most simple things. His artwork lifted my frozen spirit and gave me hope of what lay below the snow.


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