Pictures of our maple syrup!

Posted by: Tammy

Well, another sugarin’ season has come to an end. Although I’m relatively new to the whole sugarin’ thing, this year didn’t appear to be a great year. I tapped early enough and still, my entire season was a mere four weeks. My homesteading journal from last year shows a longer season. The temps have been unseasonably warm the ‘experts’ report. There were not a lot of ideal days (days above freezing and nights below freezing) for the sap to run.

That said, you make what you can make and thank the Lord for what you did collect. It also proves a point; “Make hay while the sun shines.” You never know about Mother Nature! Take advantage of the time she gives you because you never know when her fickle attitude will kick in and she’ll take what she’s given! I made sure to be ready when the weather dictated it was tapping time but I noticed a neighbor didn’t tap until almost a full week later than I did. Although I worried I had tapped too early, I came to realize that my early efforts would pay off because the weather wasn’t looking great for a long season. If the conditions are right for sugarin’ or planting or harvesting, you must take advantage of that time.

Anyways, the earliest sap to run is usually highest in sugar and boils down to a delicately colored and tasting syrup. As the season progresses, the sugar content drops and the syrup gets darker and more intensely flavored. Many people prefer the Grade B over the Grade A because of the flavor. I love it all!!!

Here is a beautiful picture of the three grades I produced this year:

So, another season comes to an end and another now begins. Today I’ll begin working more intensely in the garden area. I’ll update you another day on my goals for the garden this year.


One Response to “Pictures of our maple syrup!”

  1. Adriana Says:

    Tammy, that looks delicious! Wish I had some maple trees.

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