Winter blues
Posted by: TammyI miss my garden. I miss being outside, my hands working the sun-warmed soil. I want to be swinging an ax into wood. I want to be stretching back in my camping chair, by a fire, under a night sky full of stars.
Instead, snow covers everything. Although I’m more lucky than my more northern friends, there is still snow and frozen ground here. My dad had major back surgery so I’m not even getting out for my normal ice fishing trips this winter. I am definitely feeling more down this year.
My seed catalogs have started coming in full force. I’m already laying out my garden for the spring. I’ve got at least 6 more weeks before I can work the first peas into the ground. My first attempt at cold-framing has been successful as there is still spinach growing in it! The last big storm that blew through here flipped the large, heavy sliding door over though and shattered one of the double panes. One of my first big jobs with spring will be to pick up the hundreds of shards of glass out of that bed. sigh…
I’m trying to keep my hands busy so that my brain won’t dwell on the cold, short days outside. I’m not sure it’s working.
I’m never going to give up my New England snow for sunny, warm locations but I still can’t wait for spring this year. Seems like the more I enjoy my garden and working outside, the less I like being stuck inside.
- Tags: winter blues
July 26th, 2010 at 2:25 am
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